Therapy with Jake
My approach is about helping you truly heal. Not managing or coping with problems, but honestly resolving them so you can move forward in your life.
In my experience, however, real healing isn’t very marketable. It isn’t usually quick. It isn’t often comfortable. It takes feeling ready to be honest, set aside your avoidance or distraction behaviors, and step into the great unknown of yourself.
What is healing? I’ve found that it certainly doesn’t mean just one thing. No one true path, I’m afraid. That’s just more marketing.
My experience is that real healing is resolution; when the distress you experience changes because you change. And that change is about growth.
For individuals, growth is often about learning to relate to yourself differently. Maybe this means less self-criticism, more acceptance, or greater kindness. It may also mean looking at the past and attending what remains unresolved there, yet all at your own pace and readiness. We don’t go where you’re not ready.
For couples, growth is often not only about relating to yourself differently but also relating to your partner differently, as well. Perhaps this means greater honesty, more compassion, or learning to truly listen. But also it might be about rebuilding trust or repairing resentments.
Growth is different for different people because what’s needed for healing is so specific to our individual experiences.
That’s why my approach is not one-size-fits all, but tailored to each individual or couple whom I see.
Because healing is so much about growth, I’ve come to realize that my work with people is really about the question: What helps you grow?
Over the years I’ve sought answers to this question from many different sources and slowly developed a holistic perspective I call, Somatic Energy Therapy. My approach to therapy is informed by different body-focused (somatic) therapies, different ego-state (parts) therapies, different attachment-informed therapies, and different aspects of energy psychology.
Somatic Energy Therapy understands many mental health problems and some idiopathic (of no known medical cause) physical problems as being about the impact of having to suppress our intense painful emotions early on in life. Healing, then, is essentially about learning to feel those old emotions in a safe way now.
But if we boil all of this down, my focus is about helping you:
Understand yourself more deeply,
Connect with yourself more honestly and compassionately.
Discover what you need to grow and heal, and
Learn to give yourself what you need so you can heal and feel better.
My approach is NOT the “silver bullet” for all forms of suffering. It’s certainly NOT the only path for healing. Yet, it has helped create real lasting positive change for many people.