Therapy with Jake
My approach is non-judgmental and focused on helping you find solutions to your issues and concerns.
I have training in different somatic forms of therapy, which just means helping people not only focus on their thinking but also connect with the felt experience in their bodies. Research shows that if people can identify their felt experience related to emotions, beliefs, and other things, they have a much greater chance of success in therapy.
I have training in different ego-state therapies, which means thinking about what’s happening to you in terms of “parts” of you. And I find this is how people talk anyways. “Part of me wants to do this, while another part of me wants to do that.” When we work with our problems from this perspective, I’ve found it is easier to understand ourselves as well as help ourselves when we’re struggling. The most popular therapy like this nowadays is called Internal Family Systems Therapy, which I like too.
Finally, I have training in different helping methods focused on the mind-body connection, which are all about helping you connect more deeply with yourself and relate differently to whatever challenges you’re facing so you can find solutions. There are many kinds of mind-body therapies and my training comes from years of study with various teachers.
I incorporate mind-body methods into my work in different ways. One important way has to do with “grounding,” which is just helping our body feel stable enough to go to places within us that need connection to feel better. Also, I’ve found it very useful to help people reduce self-criticism, which can cause lots of problems and pain. As I’ve studied this work others expressed interest in learning about it too, so I started teaching classes years
From all of my training I’ve developed my own form of helping that I call Somatic Energy Therapy. It blends somatic tools with ego-state ideas, and mind-body connection concepts, ideas, and practices.
Somatic Energy Therapy operates from the perspective that a lot of our troubles comes from trying to avoid pain. But when you learn to connect with yourself, listen to yourself, trust yourself, and then give yourself what you need, you are able to feel the pain your avoiding without getting overwhelmed by it, which is what helps us feel better. And so Somatic Energy Therapy is just a bunch of different ways to help people do all of that.
I hope this information is helpful to you and sparks some curiosity about what possible for you and your journey. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or to schedule a consult.
Take good care, Jake